
My name is Karen Edwards, I am 42 years old and have a 16 year old son called Mitchell. I live on a potato farm in the beautiful Kamberg Valley which is some where by Giants Castle in Kwa Zulu Natal, south Africa and work as a freelance photographer. After leaving school 25 years ago I found myslelf with the oppertunity to go back to school and re-educate myself and this blog is a diary of what I learn in the next year of mature student life - and no I did not ever think that I would ever be refered to as mature anything!

The blog is also where my lecturer (Phillipa Cameron) checks up to see if I understand anything she is trying to teach me - Good luck Phil!

so here goes Karen E 101...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Epilogue for Karen Edwards

Epilogue for Karen Edwards
Karen Edwards
Born 16/081969 died 07/02/2055

Karen E really took the saying "life begins at 40" quite literally, not that she hadn't had a full and exciting life before 40, but she always said that her life before 40 was just a warm up to the real quest.
Karen was always ready for adventure and there wasn't much she would not try at least once. Her natural talent and passion in life was her photography and she managed to combine her spirit of adventure with her passion for photos and traveled the world working with some of the most respected magazines - she also loved to use her camera to bring public attention to various humanitarian causes as well as publishing various books featuring some of the most iconic personalities of our generation, although her most famous book Ordinary People was closest to her heart &  won her numerous awards.
Her energy and excitement for life was contagious, and even in the last moments of her life she was to been seen laughing with the people, camera in hand!
Karen Leaves behind a Son, five grand children, 8 great grand children and a legend.

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