
My name is Karen Edwards, I am 42 years old and have a 16 year old son called Mitchell. I live on a potato farm in the beautiful Kamberg Valley which is some where by Giants Castle in Kwa Zulu Natal, south Africa and work as a freelance photographer. After leaving school 25 years ago I found myslelf with the oppertunity to go back to school and re-educate myself and this blog is a diary of what I learn in the next year of mature student life - and no I did not ever think that I would ever be refered to as mature anything!

The blog is also where my lecturer (Phillipa Cameron) checks up to see if I understand anything she is trying to teach me - Good luck Phil!

so here goes Karen E 101...

Monday, February 14, 2011

20 questions for Ruth Credo

20 questions for Ruth Credo
Ruth Credo is my amazing friend and next door neighbour in the Kamberg. Ruth is a truly driven person and once she puts her mind to something, she will carry on unrelenting until what ever it is is completed and properly! She has lead a truly interesting life as she is very clever, not afraid of much and always up for a good challenge. I do know quite a bit about Ruth personally so putting together my 20 questions for an interview with her was really interesting as I had to think about things I didn’t know about her and questions I have never really asked her as a friend before. I wanted to get quite a bit of information and about her community projects because the people are very close to her heart and she really does just seem to drive in and around the various villages in the Kamberg area all on her own changing one school or life at a time and never looks for anyone to make a big fuss or  praise her – she really helps people because she loves people and this is the “hook” for my story -  Ruth has also achieved so much in her life before she came to the Kamberg , she  has travelled all over the world climbing / hiking mountains, she was a high powered CA and worked for investec bank in JHB, she has 2 grown kids, she is married, runs a farm with self catering cottages, she gardens, cooks, bakes….in fact our nick name for her is “Martha Stewart on Steroids”  or “Sargent Major” Will do!  But she makes a difference to so many people and I think her story should be told.
1.       You grew up in England, where about & do you have any childhood memories of the UK?
2.       When did you move to South Africa & what was your first impression of Africa?
3.       You were very young when you got married, had children & qualified as a CA – What was the big hurry?
4.       You had a very high powered job in JHB and I understand that you used to hike all over the world  in your spare time, tell me a little bit about that and  which hike/trip do you think really pushed you to your limits?
5.       When you first moved to the Kamberg to take care of your parents, once again you were very young to go into semi-retirement & being such a driven person what did you originally think you were going to do to keep yourself busy?
6.       How did you go about finding people who needed help in the Kamberg and who was the first group or person who took your help?
7.       How do you follow up on all your various projects to make sure that things continue to work after you have moved on?
8.       What projects are you currently working on?
9.       How do you go about organising and getting the funding for your projects?
10.   Who do you feel should be help more responsible for helping and funding the community?
11.   Where do you get your drive and inspiration to do all of this work?
12.   Why is it so all so important to you to you – what do you get out of all the hard work you put in?
13.   Is there an individual or group who has really touched your heart in a special way?
14.   What are the biggest challenges do you think that the people have to deal with every day?
15.   If you won the lottery and could give the community one thing which you think would make a difference what would it be?
16.   How can individuals like you go about making a difference in their own areas?
17.   What community projects do you have planned for the next year?
18.   Looking after one’s elderly parents can been very difficult – how do you cope and do you have any advice for other people who find themselves in the same situation?
19.   You also run a self catering accommodation on the farm: tell me a little about that & does it keep you busy?
20.   You have organic gardens where you grow your own food, you cook, bake, have dogs, horse’s and pigs, you look after your parents & the community around you,  you run a business, you hare married…Do you ever manage to find time just for you? And if so what do you enjoy to do?
21.   (Magic Question) If you could have tea and cake with anyone in the world who would it be and why?

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