
My name is Karen Edwards, I am 42 years old and have a 16 year old son called Mitchell. I live on a potato farm in the beautiful Kamberg Valley which is some where by Giants Castle in Kwa Zulu Natal, south Africa and work as a freelance photographer. After leaving school 25 years ago I found myslelf with the oppertunity to go back to school and re-educate myself and this blog is a diary of what I learn in the next year of mature student life - and no I did not ever think that I would ever be refered to as mature anything!

The blog is also where my lecturer (Phillipa Cameron) checks up to see if I understand anything she is trying to teach me - Good luck Phil!

so here goes Karen E 101...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sentence using letters of the alphabet

A Billion Cows Decided Existence Fills Gaps Here In Jolly Kilimanjaro. Life May Not Often Produce Quite Recurring Speculation Though Under-thinking Values Will Xerograph Your Zeal.

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