
My name is Karen Edwards, I am 42 years old and have a 16 year old son called Mitchell. I live on a potato farm in the beautiful Kamberg Valley which is some where by Giants Castle in Kwa Zulu Natal, south Africa and work as a freelance photographer. After leaving school 25 years ago I found myslelf with the oppertunity to go back to school and re-educate myself and this blog is a diary of what I learn in the next year of mature student life - and no I did not ever think that I would ever be refered to as mature anything!

The blog is also where my lecturer (Phillipa Cameron) checks up to see if I understand anything she is trying to teach me - Good luck Phil!

so here goes Karen E 101...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Class Work

We had to find our own unique way of saying the following:
  1. peas in a pod -   as indistinguishable as twins dressed by a fanatical mother
  2. Busy as a bee - as busy as a standard bank employee wearing takkies on payday
  3. Flatter that a pancake - flatter than a fly after an encounter with an experienced fly swatter
  4. High as a kite -  she was so high that NASA considered funding a space programme.
Describe a voice:
I heard her voice clearly over the banging, crashing and beeping noise in the supermarket. I looked around to see if I could find the source of this ear assaulting sound. The pitch was similar to that if a cat being run over by a steam roller and it appeared that the owner of this reverberation had only managed to capture some of the alphabet as she seemed unable to pronounce any T's or H's correctly.

The View
The green desert of uninvited but now needed pine trees spread out before me in tidy patchwork spaces in the far reaching hills of Howick; The smoke from distant farm fires defused  the scene leaving a monotone haze.
The winter fresh breeze was intermittent as if it wasn't really sure if it should hurry up or stay put while secluded secret pockets of sunshine provided perfect sun bathing platforms for lazy lizards.

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